After going through a traumatic life experience, there are many emotions that need to be processed. Some we might regard as negative, but for a moment let’s focus on the positive.

When I break down the emotions I’ve been left with after my whole cancer experience, what I find at the very core of that experience is a feeling of gratitude.

I am now at a stage in my healing where I am able to reflect upon and express my appreciation for the gift of life I have received. I look upon my cancer experience as a blessing. It brought many positive changes to my life. It allowed me to witness humanity at its finest.

Two hands hold shells together to form a heart shape
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

The care, empathy and brotherly love I received from others made me weak at the knees with gratitude. People stepped up and helped me when I really needed it. And I realise I was so very blessed, and have nothing but appreciation for all the acts of kind-heartedness I received.

As a result of this important and momentous realisation, I now have an opportunity to ‘pay-it-forward’ by returning all the love, kindness and compassion that I have received back into the world.

Gratitude invigorates the body and mind, and the resulting feeling is akin to euphoria. Feeling grateful gives you a strong inter-relatedness with others, a deep bond and sense of connection with everyone you interact with.

Expressing gratitude for the gifts you have received in life, makes you feel younger, healthier, and happier. Remembering to express a heartfelt thank you can provide you with a richer life experience as you realise the connectedness of all living things.

Gratitude enhances your life by allowing you to have a deep appreciation for all the positive things about your life. This can lead to more happiness, joy and even more thankfulness.

As for my own thankfulness, I am most deeply grateful to my brother, David, for his efforts to bring my dream of sharing my story with the world. I take great joy in our partnership and celebrate the miracle of being born into the same family.

My attempt to provide knowledge that can empower people to face their fears and find their own inner strength and resilience, really wouldn’t happen without my dear family – James, Nathaniel and Nicholas – supporting my mission.

Finally, I am in deeply grateful for all of you, for your deliberate intention to just be a little happier, is sending so much positive energy into the world and building a beautiful future for our planet.

Peace. Unity. Love.